Wednesday Weekly 3's: How to Enjoy Those Lazy, Hazy Days of Summer

August is the hottest and sometimes the longest days of summer indulgences. Happy days swimming, day trips to the beach to take in the warm water and gentle waves. Children may be antsy to fall into a routine vs day trips and family picnics. Included below are some easy tricks to make the end of summer easy and memorable.


1.  Creative pool noodle fun: store noodle hacks

 2. Turkish towels for all and everything. Our family has discovered these for picnic table cloths, pool towels, a sarong, a light blanket a travel towel or shade from the sun.

3. Take it outside and revive old-fashioned 4 square, paint it/tape it on the drive. FYI- you will need: Playground ballPainter's tapeHopscotch Hangman Hot Potato.


For your life, for your family, for your home, both inside & out, let’s go!